Friday, March 27, 2009


This is the large winged gargoyle from our place. He's been stained a lovely shade of brown.

Here he is again. This shot was actually taken first, with my camera still on the manual settings from the last experiment. I think he looks really spooky.
Last post for a week or so as we're going on vacation. I promise to keep track of my photos each day and make up all the posts when I get back. See you all then!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I had a plan for my post today - a series of pictures. I had two of the pictures already taken before noon. I took the others as soon as I got home from work.

And then Scott said, "Look, this is really cool..." and my plans went right out the window.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


We went in to our favorite pizza place to get a pizza tonight and they had the windows covered with these shoes in support of the local MS Walk. A one dollar donation bought a shoe. They raised a lot of money. It also made a good picture.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Dashboard bling, to be exact. This is what I look at each time I get in my car.

The owl came from my trip to Peru. His string is too long and sometimes he hits against the windshield. See the chips on his feet?

Two of these charms came from recognition awards at work. The heart came from a heart-shaped candle holder I received as a gift years ago.

The cross is the most precious item. My son made it for me out of wire. It's been hanging from the rear view mirror of whatever car I'm driving for years.

Monday, March 23, 2009


This turtle makes me smile every day on my way to work.

It's so good to see him, now that the snow has melted. His sundial even works - if there's sun...

Sunday, March 22, 2009


It's spring here in the northwest. Get ready for pictures of rain and raindrops.

And moss. Lots and lots of moss.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Today was the last photography class. The weather actually cooperated and we got to go outside for a while and take photos. I love this one of the ivy. I like how sharp & crisp it is in the foreground.

Here's one with a wider angle. The colors are wonderful. If I didn't know it was such an invasive plant, I might plant some in my yard.

And then there was this tree. What a great tree!

Friday, March 20, 2009


Today is the first official day of spring and we got to see the sun for the first time in days. It was very nice.
The sunset wasn't bad either, if you can ignore all the power lines and light poles in this shot.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


It has been raining for the past few days and the snow has really started to melt. I can finally see my yard again, after the record breaking snow this year.

My yucca is yucky. I'm hoping if I leave it alone, it will bounce back.

Sideshow Bob (the tree in front of our house) looks pretty good. I think he made it.

There are definite signs of new life.

Here's a peony, starting it's journey upward.

And last, but not least, daffodils!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


This is my first assignment for class - take two pictures, one with fast shutter speed, one with slow shutter speed, and compare.

This is our fountain. This shot was taken at 1/125, F5.6, ISO 400.

Same fountain, only this shot was taken at 1/1.3, F29, ISO 100.
I confess I ran a little auto-balance option on this one to fix the color. I may try this again tomorrow if the light is any better. It was really overcast today and everything looks so grey.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


This is an absolutely pathetic photo, taken standing in the street in front of my house, after my after-work meeting, which was supposed to last one hour ended up lasting two hours.

I apologize.

Monday, March 16, 2009


This was part of the welcome I received from my new department today. If I had a moment of doubt (and I did not), this would have swept it away.

It is just so cool to have flowers to photograph.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


The weather was lousy and I was trapped inside with the cats today.

All day long.....

Can you tell???

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Second week of photography class and I'm cautiously optimistic. This in spite of the fact that the teacher was not impressed with my photo of the moon from last week. Still, we're learning new concepts and some things are starting to click. It is also two weeks today to vacation and I start my new job (new position, same company) on Monday. Things are looking up.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Another gargoyle (doesn't he look like Yoda?) and another heart shaped rock.

Happy Friday the 13th!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


See these?? These are happy feet. They got a new job today! They also went for a 2 mile run. They are VERY happy feet.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


This is obviously someone's SUMMER home.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Another gargoyle. This is Smiley. I wouldn't be smiling if I had all that snow on my head.


I love the pattern of the diamonds in the snow.

Not much gliding going on right now. The photos were from yesterday. The post is a day late because the computer was at the doctor. I hope it's better because it was painfully slow.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I tried an experiment today. Someone had posted on one of the blogs I read, instructions on how to shoot pictures of a water drop. I set up and shot 77 photos. Not one of the "drop" photos was worth spit. The nicest, most in-focus shot, is the bubble above. *sigh* So much for my experiment. On the other hand...

I took this shot of the moon last night. It was total manual mode, and it only took 22 photos to get it right! *grin*

Saturday, March 7, 2009


My photography class started today. I was a little disappointed. I don't think it's going to be what I expected - not even close. Oh well.

This was our payment for babysitting today. Pretty cool!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009


This whole "working for a living" thing is really cramping my style. This morning, I could have stood in the spare bedroom for hours, taking pictures of the snowflakes as they landed on the window. But no, I had to get ready and leave for work. Work that I was late for this morning, by the way. Don't tell my boss.

Instead, you get shots like this one, taken out the window at work. At least the phones were quiet today.

This is the playground at the park next to City Hall. Not much playing going on today.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Another attempt at the moon...

And Grandma's wedding ring.
I need to use my tripod.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


what Scott found during his little demolition side job??

We figure it has to be about 50 years old.

This is Que, on his leopard print blanket.

And this is Hubert, the Canadian Gargoyle. I figured it was about time for one of these guys to show up here.