Thursday, April 30, 2009


The Veterans Memorial is almost done in front of City Hall. It's the Robert J Gordon Memorial Plaza.

You can see his name inlaid in the top of the wall.

The front says "To all of those who have served our country". It's very impressive. (I need a wide angle lens to really capture it.) You can't tell in this picture, but many of the bricks on the ground have been engraved as well with the names of men and women who have served.

A lot of people have worked really hard to make this a reality. They should all be very proud.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Jose and the tulips...

Scott said to be sure to mention that these tulips would be open if it wasn't 40 freaking degrees here today. It was actually 46, but he's right. {grin}
Happy Birthday, Gena!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Pictures of the mint that came inside for the winter. Because I almost forgot to take a picture and post it today!

Monday, April 27, 2009


We bought a Japanese Maple yesterday. It's for the new flower garden in the backyard.

I can't wait to get it outside in some natural light. But for now, it's safe in the shop, sheltered from the cold and wind we've been having.

It's gorgeous.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


We went rainbow-chasing today.

Hayden Avenue is the end of the rainbow... Who knew?

So is Hayden Lake.

So is the country club. We should have known.

Isn't it pretty??

Saturday, April 25, 2009


... but not quite. It's been really cold here the last few days. It was near freezing this morning. It's put the brakes on all the budding and blooming that was going on while it was warm.

Sideshow Bob ALMOST has leaves...

The tree in the back is ALMOST budding out...

The tulips are ALMOST blooming...


Almost, except for these guys. They bloomed before the big chill. They're doing just fine.

Friday, April 24, 2009


I got off work a little early today. Comp time. The weather was gorgeous, so I went for a walk on the Dike Road path. I wasn't disappointed.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I love old barns. I have been driving by this barn as long as I've lived here - almost four years now. I never noticed it until yesterday, when Scott & I were on our way shopping. I had to go back today and get a picture.

The light wasn't as good today. We had dark cloudy skies this morning and a rain/snow mix at lunch. But the sun broke through a bit & I was able to get the color to come through.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Buds are busting out all over!

On the lilac bush...

In the garden... (this is a baby grape hyacinth)

and on the clematis vine...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


From an artistic standpoint, I love this photo. I love the grain of the wood showing through the paint. I love all the cracks and crackles. I love the depth of field.

From a practical standpoint, however, it's not so exciting. It has become clear to me that the shed needs to be painted. Badly.

And these? These were not here this morning when I left for work. When I left for work, there were tight little buds of yellow.
I love spring.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Yesterday was my birthday. By chance, both Scott and my granddaughter (really it was her mom, but I'm playing along) bought me calla lilies. Scott's were purple, Lakota's were pink. They are, by far, the prettiest flowers I've ever been given. I just love them!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Today we spent the morning in Q’emiln Park and Falls Park in Post Falls, Idaho. We saw lots of wildlife, especially considering both parks are in the midst of a city, on opposite sides of the dams. Goose, ducks, beaver - it was unbelievable. Lots of beautiful wildflowers, too. The river was breathtaking. Unfortunately, most of my river shots were over-exposed. Oh well. Here are some of my better photos...

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Trio of toads.
Or maybe they're frogs. I'm not sure.
We spent the day cleaning out the shop. I focused on my corner of the shop, where I paint. You would not believe how much dust can accumulate in a statuary shop over the winter. Well, to be honest, some of what I cleaned today hasn't been done in YEARS. Anyway, when I finished, Scott had these three guys waiting for me. He'd stained them various shades of green and brown. They just needed eyes. I was happy to oblige.

Friday, April 17, 2009


The sky this morning.

My new plant at work.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Gargoyles can be traced back 4000 years to Egypt, Rome and Greece. Many people believe that gargoyles were developed by medieval architects and stone carvers to ward off evil in an imperfect world. Some believe that gargoyles were inspired directly via a passage in the Bible while others believe that gargoyles and grotesques are inspired by the skeletal remains of prehistoric beasts such as dinosaurs and giant reptiles. The churches of Europe carried them forward into time to act as guardians of the church to keep the terrible spirits of evil away. They adorn countless cathedrals in the world and they have inspired curiosity, awe, laughter, and occasionally fear.

I know a couple of people that could use a gargoyle right now. You know who you are. This one's for you.

Because I'm a girl, here's a picture of some hyacinth from my yard. I had to lay on my belly in the grass to get this shot.

And here's one of a wild pansy in the grass behind the shop.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


This is the backyard this morning. You can't tell from the photo, but it was trying to snow. I carried my camera around with me all day, but no snow materialized.

Instead, by lunchtime, we had glimpses of the sun. We're supposed to have 70 degree weather by this weekend. I can't wait.