Friday, July 31, 2009


Which is where I spent the entire day with a nasty case of the flu.

Here's hoping tomorrow I feel better.

Thursday, July 30, 2009




Butterfly bush

Golden daisies


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


We had thunder and lightning and rain last night like you wouldn't believe. Today was sweltering. Just the right conditions for the butterfly bush to bloom.
Isn't it pretty? I love the colors - my favorite green and purple.

The snapdragons still look good.

The sky is getting dark again. I think we may be in for another round tonight.

Monday, July 27, 2009


I've been experimenting tonight.

I read about a technique where you purposely blur your picture in order to make it look like an impressionist painting. I'm not sure I succeeded here, but I do like the way it looks - I like the colors. And you can still tell it's flowers.

This is an extreme macro (cropped) of a tiny mushroom Scott found in the grass. I think the texture is really cool.

And I just like this picture - can't explain why. It needs a title like "Forest for the Trees" or something. They are actually blazing stars that have yet to blaze. [grin]

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

Black and White and Color

This month's issue of Outdoor Photographer is all about black and white photos, so I thought I'd try my hand.

I can appreciate a good black and white photo - even be inspired by one. But there's a science to taking good black and white photos that I just don't get.

I took a bunch tonight, and I liked this one the best in black and white. But I still like it better in color.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Did you know you can watch Evening Primrose bloom?

There was less than one minute between the first shot and the second.

And this is what they look like fully open, in just a few minutes time. Beautiful!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

You know...

You know it's hot when even the horses are running through the sprinklers....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Evening Visitor

There was a deer in my yard last night.
He left his footprints all over my garden. Lucky for him, he didn't munch on any of the flowers. If he starts doing that, it's going to be war....
As I write this, there are hummingbirds at the feeder in my backyard. It appears they discovered the feeder sometime today.
I'm resisting the urge to grab my camera and burn what's left of the daylight trying yet again to get a picture. We'll see how successful I am.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Today's pictures are not some of my best work. Most are blurry - some more than others. I could show you some beautiful shots of flowers, but these little guys have become my obsession.

There are now (at least) two hummingbirds visiting my yard. Notice the black head and almost blue tint to this one's back.

Then there's this one. This is the same one I took photos of the other day. Lighter colored head and green on his back. Also, I think this is the only photo that's in focus. [sigh] Taking pictures of them is much harder than I thought. They are very quick.

This is my favorite photo, by far. There are so many things wrong with it, and yet something about it really captures the energy of a hummingbird.

And here's a rare shot of one at rest.
And those flower photos? I'll post them on Flickr (username: sandee4242). They are pretty. And they're in focus. [grin]

Saturday, July 18, 2009


An entire bouquet in one plant! How perfect is that?

Little Creatures

I did yard work Friday night. I was not alone.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Inch Worm

Inch worm, inch worm...

Measuring the marigolds...

Do you ever stop to think,

How beautiful you are?

I know, I know. It's not an inch worm. It's a caterpillar. This last shot is blurry and it breaks my heart. It would have been the CUTEST picture!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I was not having a good day today. I've had a headache since I woke up.

Then I got to talk to my friend, LM, for the first time since her surgery.

She sounded really good.

And then I saw the hummingbird.

So what started out as a bad day, suddenly turned into a very good day.
You just never know.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Kitchen Table

On my kitchen table...