Sunday, March 25, 2012

Project 48 ~ 8:48

Proud Grandpa


Neela Jo!

Scott & The Bubbles


Bubbles On Their Way

Because some things are more important than a photo project. 

Hope everyone is enjoying spring!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Project 48 ~ 7:48

The Queen of Sheba

The Green M&M

Decadent Apples

Green Cascadias

Sexy Fairy

Today's shots brought to you by the color green.  Also some fun shots from shops in River Park Square and the Flour Mill in Spokane.  Hope everyone had a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Project 48 ~ 6:48

Moon Set 3-9-12

Elmer's Fountain

The Wilma, Missoula

Bank of Montana

Flag, reflected

Carousel Dragon
We drove to Missoula, Montana yesterday for an Open House at Rocky Mountain School of Photography.  Man, if I had unlimited resources (time & money), I would love to take their Intensive series of courses.  Being as I'm short on both right now, it's not going to happen, and that's ok, too.  I learned a lot during the photo critique (as I always do) and I absolutely loved the guided tour of the Missoula Museum.  They are currently showing Ansel Adams' work and the founder of RMSP, Neil Chaput de Saintonge, studied under Adams in 1973.  It was absolutely fascinating to hear his views about Adams and his photography.

My first photo is the moon setting on Thursday.  It was just past full and I loved the way it looked through all the tree branches.  And on our way to Missoula, we stopped at Elmer's Fountain to get some shots.  It's still under several feet of snow, so all my photos were taken from the road.  We will have to go back after the thaw. 

The rest of the shots are from Missoula.  The Wilma is a theatre on Higgins Street.  I like the shot of the Bank of Montana, with the University of Missoula "M" next to it on the mountain.  It shows the mix of urban and rural that exists in Missoula.    I also liked the flag shot, with clouds in the reflection, but none in the sky behind the building.

The final shot is one of the many dragons at Dragon Hollow, a playground and carousel right next to the Clark Fork river in the heart of downtown Missoula.

We had a beautiful day.  It was sunny and warm, probably close to 60 degrees.  We were walking around without coats on for most of the day.

Hope you enjoy the photos!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Project 48 ~ 5:48


Holly Leaves & Lichen

Spokane River

Lichen on Basalt

Orange Lichen

Dried Wildflowers

Sunset 3-3-2012

Today's photos are from Riverside State Park in Spokane, Washington, on the banks of the Spokane River.  Riverside is a 10,000 acre camping park, located near the heart of Spokane and includes the Spokane & Little Spokane Rivers.  It was another overcast day, which made for nice light along the river at mid-day.  We hiked about 2 miles down the Bowl & Pitcher trail. The final shot is the sunset, which was in my rear view mirror for most of the drive home.  Enjoy!