Raindrop on Sideshow |
Crocus |
Nevada Wier |
Tree at Spokane Community College |
Clouds in Blue Sky |
The Photographic Society of America, Spokane Chapter, hosted photographer Nevada Wier at their 2012 Seminar this weekend at Spokane Community College. She is nothing short of amazing. She was entertaining, inspiring and thought-provoking. Please take a moment to check out her amazing portfolio of images at
http://www.nevadawier.com/. She is passionate about the people and places she photographs.
It rained this entire week, but driving home tonight there were blue skies & clouds. Perhaps the weather will cooperate for our photo field trip to the Palouse tomorrow. If it does, I should have some nice images for next week's post.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this week's images. Between work, the weather and being inside all weekend at the seminar, the selection was very limited. Stay tuned for next week!