Sunday, May 27, 2012

Project 48 ~ 17:48

Scott at the top of Canfield Mountain


Balsamroot Flowers

Dianthus, Rocks & Log

View from the top of Canfield Mountain

Birthday Lily

Tree of Fire
Scott decided we should run/hike to the top of Canfield Mountain this morning, and so we did.  We started at the trailhead off Crestwood Ct.  An hour and a half later, we had some of the most amazing views ever.  Scott's Fujifilm XP takes panoramic shots, so I took a couple of those.  They are posted on Flickr since the panoramic style really doesn't work on this blog.  There were wildflowers galore and we had a great time.

I couldn't resist another shot of my birthday lilies.  They are so pretty.

And I saved the best for last.  This little Japanese maple is planted in one of our large aggregate planters at the shop.  At a certain time in the evening, when the sun is low in the sky, the tree lights up like it's on fire.  I'm really happy with the shot I've shared here, but trust me when I say it doesn't do it justice.  Mother Nature is really incredible. 

Enjoy!  (Oh, and Happy Birthday, Scott!)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Project 48 ~ 16:48

The Rock Wall

Red Parrot Tulips

Purple Columbine on Gold

Orange Blossoms on Purple


Truffula Tree (The Lorax)


Batchelor Button on Gold

Baby Duck!
Pagoda in Japanese Garden

I spent the morning at Manito Park, walking through the perennial and Japanese gardens, with the North Idaho DSLR Photo Club.  It was a mostly overcast day, with the sun peeking through every now and then.  The colors were amazing.  The flowers were unbelievable.  And the baby ducks were precious.  Enjoy!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Project 48 ~ 15:48

Super Moon (May 2012)

Honey Bee on Grape Hyacinth


Honey Bee on Leopard's Bane
Robin with Friend

Lilac Buds
I love this time of year ~ the robins are back, flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing...  And we even had a super moon this week!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Project 48 ~ 14:48

Dan's Graduation

Bloomsday 2012 ~ We Did It!

Mike's Graduation

Birthday Lilies

Weeping Cherry Blossoms

It was a week of accomplishments: a son and a son-in-law graduated, and Scott & I ran Bloomsday 2012.  I am really proud of both Dan and Mike for all they've accomplished.  I'm proud of Scott for finishing well ahead of me (once again) at Bloomsday, in spite of not being able to run all winter because of shoulder surgery.  And I managed to cut almost 10 minutes off my (unofficial) time, so I'm pretty proud of myself, too.  Even the flowers are over-achieving this week - my birthday lilies are blooming (they are gorgeous!) and the weeping cherry tree has the most blossoms ever.

A very good, and very busy, week.  Enjoy!