1. Caterpillar |
2. Last Supper, St. Ignatius Mission |
3. Interior, St. Ignatius Mission |
4. Stained Glass, St. Ignatius Mission |
5. Exterior, St. Ignatius Mission |
6. Flathead Lake, Montana |
7. Late Afternoon, Lake McDonald, Glacier National Park |
The first photo is from Saturday. Somehow, this little guy ended up inside the shop on a pallet. After I took a couple dozen photos, we moved him to the tree in the backyard. He was such a beautiful creature - I hope I get to see what he turns into!
The rest of the photos are from the first day of our vacation to Glacier National Park. Thanks to a ton of info from the photo club (thanks again everyone!) we knew to stop at St. Ignatius Mission in Montana on the way. The historic Catholic mission was founded in 1854 and contains 58 murals painted by Brother Joseph Carignano, an untrained artist who worked as a cook in the mission. The murals, other artwork and stained glass were absolutely amazing. My photos don't do it justice. We spent quite a bit of time there, then headed past Flathead Lake to Glacier. We arrived on the Sunday of Labor Day and the park was packed. Rangers said they thought it was the busiest Labor Day weekend ever. We drove as far as Lake McDonald, then headed back to find a room. We ended up spending Sunday night in Whitefish, Montana at the Big Mountain Resort. No worries, though - we ended up camping from Monday to Thursday in Glacier and I will have those pictures posted shortly. I hope you enjoy this taste of Glacier. It has some of the most breathtaking scenery I have ever seen.