Sunday, September 8, 2013

On the Go 243:365

It's not in focus, she's not smiling, and yet it's still one of my favorite photos of her.

Morning God Rays 240:365

One of the things I love most about this time of year:  I get to see the sunrise during my morning run.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

NI Photo Shoot: Blanchard 229:365

Another fabulous photo outing with the North Idaho Photo Club.  Joan was kind enough to host us at her house for a picnic, then take us on a tour in Blanchard.  Most of what we shot was on private land that wouldn't have been available to us otherwise.  She arranged for a gorgeous sunset and even got a couple of moose to drop by!  A wonderful time was had by all.  Thanks, Joan!!  See my Flickr set for more pictures from the day.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Wall That Heals 227:365

The Wall That Heals, a half-scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington, DC, visited Hayden, Idaho on August 16-18, 2013.  Also present was the Global War on Terror Wall of Remembrance.  The Patriot Guard escorted both walls from the state line into our city.  I hope everyone in our area had a chance to visit these walls.  It was a very emotional experience.  Here's a link to my Flickr set for more pictures of The Wall and Opening Ceremonies. Link to Flickr