Fireworks! When I looked back, I hadn't taken any firework shots since 2009. I thought it might be time. Then, when the remote release on my camera still worked, a plan began to form. We showed up at our Hayden Lake "secret place" only to discover it was now thousands of others "secret place". Bummer. So we drove around to Honeysuckle Beach & set up our chairs. The light show was fantastic - thanks Hayden Lake Country Club. You put on a helluva show! Enjoy!
I really admire your ability to capture the fireworks so well, they really are amazing! I have never been to Hayden, I hear it's a great show but always thought it would be hard to get to see, with so much of the shoreline being private. Can you see it from Honeysuckle pretty well and is that place jammed to capacity? I am tired of fighting the CDA crowds!
I really admire your ability to capture the fireworks so well, they really are amazing! I have never been to Hayden, I hear it's a great show but always thought it would be hard to get to see, with so much of the shoreline being private. Can you see it from Honeysuckle pretty well and is that place jammed to capacity? I am tired of fighting the CDA crowds!