Monday, October 29, 2012

Project 48 ~ 39:48

You know that saying that the best camera is the one you have with you?  That's the theme for this week's photo.

Yes, that's photo: as in singular.  I am still amazed that I took exactly one photo this week, and that one photo was taken with my not-smart phone.  We were window shopping at Wiggett's Antiques in the Silver Lake Mall and I happened to see a framed Droguett illustration of a kitten on a mirror.  I had this exact picture on the wall in my bedroom when I was growing up.  It was handed down to my son, who had it on the wall of his bedroom until he moved out.  I have no idea where it ended up, but suddenly here is an exact duplicate, down to the frame, 700 miles from the last place I saw it.  I snapped a quick picture with my phone and sent it to my son with the caption "Remember this??!?!"

If not for that, you would be looking at a black screen.    I can't believe how close I came to screwing up my Project 48.  The weather here was grey and dreary all week. The sun is now setting just after 5pm.  All of this makes it difficult to take a photo.  I make it more difficult by not carrying my camera with me.  None of it makes it impossible.

Tomorrow, I will begin carrying my camera with me to work again each day.  I promise I will have more than one photo to choose from next week.

1 comment:

  1. Great synopsis of the Winter blahs and pitfalls! My challenge to myself this winter is to "get creative". I am going to shoot as much macro and artsy stuff as I can. I am so good at shooting blurry stuff, that I am going to see if I can even make that work for me! I love what you did shoot, would be soooo weird if that REALLY was the same picture!
