Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Great Blue Heron 85:365

My first shot of a great blue heron!  I am so excited.  Thanks to Nancy, it was just part of a very exciting time at Hauser Lake.  Thanks for the tip, Nancy!  We saw Tundra Swan, ducks, and geese, as well as some amazing scenery.  Check out my Hauser Lake Flickr set for more shots.  Enjoy!


  1. The colors in this are great. It would make a good matted/framed print for your wall. If I did that I might crop a little off the top though & have it start w/the bluish shade of the water.

  2. Amazing first shot! Once again your combinations of colors and textures look like a fine Renaissance type of painting. Beautiful! So glad you could made it out there!

    1. Thanks again for the tip. It was an awesome experience.
