Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Houseboat Mansion 90:365

The plan for today was to drive to the Palouse for some photos.  Instead, my yard got some much needed attention and by the time I was done with that, I was done.  We took a short drive out to Bayview and found this fabulous house boat.  It's an architectural wonder.  I wish we could have gone inside. 

And March, which came in like a lamb, went out like one, too. 


  1. Wow! This must be either new or a place I have not thought to go to at Bayview! And that glassy water with that awesome house, great combo! I have shot very little out there, although I have seen many shots I would like to take, because it's hard to find a place to shoot from that is not being intrusive, but that's because I go during the warm weather when lots of people are out and about, didn't even think to go shoot when it was all but deserted no doubt!

    1. We drove to the Scenic Bay Marina for a shot of the historic lime kilns (see my Flickr account). This was also at that marina. Hard to get a good shot in Bayview for just the reasons you specified. I would have had to stop in the middle of a windy narrow road to get the shot I wanted of sailboats reflected at the marina.
